Cholesterol Cures: Featuring the Breakthrough Menu Plan to Slash Cholesterol by 30 Points in 30 Days

Cholesterol Cures: Featuring the Breakthrough Menu Plan to Slash Cholesterol by 30 Points in 30 Days: Cholesterol Cures: Featuring the Breakthrough Menu Plan to Slash Cholesterol by 30 Points in 30 Days
Sale price₦4,200.00 NGN
Prices shown are subject to product availability


- Discover what the latest research reveals about familiar remedies such as garlic, oats, and fish oil supplements, as well as more recent finds such as grape see extract, pomegranates, and coenzyme Q10
- Learn what current studies have to say about "forbidden foods" like red meats, eggs, and dairy
- Includes 500-Food Fat and Cholesterol Counter to guide you to smart food choices

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