Nature's Field PregMum plus Omega-3


Nature's Field PregMum plus Omega-3: Nature's Field PregMum plus Omega-3
Sale price₦8,747.00 NGN
Prices shown are subject to product availability


- Provides nutrients to nurture mother and baby
- Supports healthy vision and mental development in babies
Nature's Field PregMum plus Omega 3 delivers advanced full care during pregnancy. PregMum supplies you with all of the nutrition you need to have a healthy baby. It includes DHA and folic acid to ensure that you have a healthy pregnancy. It also aids in the relief of morning sickness (nausea and vomiting) during pregnancy. Each PregMum Plus Omega-3 tablet contains a 300mg Omega-3 DHA soft-gel to promote your baby's healthy visual and mental development.

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