Nature's Field Joint Renew Caplet x 30


Nature's Field Joint Renew Caplet x 30: Nature's Field Joint Renew Caplet x 30
Sale price₦10,454.00 NGN
Prices shown are subject to product availability


- Reduces joint pain, stiffness and swelling in people with arthritis
- Helps protect your joints from damage
- Provides cushion and lubrication in your joints
Nature's Field Joint Renew contains MSM 1500mg, Glucosamine HCL 750mg, and Hyaluronic Acid 3.3mg to help with joint structure, function, and flexibility. It increases joint flexibility by increasing joint fluid and helps to nourish joint tissues (cartilage). Joint Renew helps to restore worn-out joint tissues so that you can move without pain. Nature's Field Joint Renew is a scientifically designed supplement that improves joint mobility and flexibility over time.

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